Road from Riyaadh to Taa'if

The road from Riyadh to Taa'if takes about 7 hours straight driving. Each time you stop off for a break adds hours to the journey accordingly...

It is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon Allaah's beautiful and amazing creation. The miraculous canopy of sky stretching above and the vast desert stretching below as far as the eye can see. The beautiful and awe inspiring mountains towering above. The varying colours and textures of the sandy desert ranging from pale white, golden, orange, red and black. Soft drifting sand and sand mixed with stones and rocks.

The greatness of Allaah's creation indicates the infinite greatness of the Creator, Allaah.
We were only created to worship Him alone.

This country established upon tawheed and Islaam provides a safe and worry free passage in terms of crime and theft. On the road in the vast desert in the depths of the dark night (no lights!) people are prepared to stop and help anyone needing assistance. There is no fear of bandits alhamdulillaah.

The road and the desert stretch on until it reaches the mountainous region of Taa'if. See the pages in the tabs at the top of this blog for more pictures of Taa'if.

 Please Note:

All photos are copyrighted. You cannot copy them or use them in any way without the express permission of the photographer.

Amazing mountain on road to Taa'if

Grass and sandunes

Saudi emblem on mountain
Golden sand

Orange sand

Traditional mud brick buildings
Driving through the desert

Mountains in the desert
Mountains in the desert